Hand-crafted with ❤️ in Iowa since 2013.

Sometimes you gotta googly eye

Today was the day I hung wallpaper in my little fairy spot. 🧚🏻‍♀️ And uh, googly eyes in random spots, haha!

I’d spent the better portion of the day researching and reading legal words and policies and was so far outside my scope of knowledge that I had to take a break. I’m working on that side of business-ing that stresses me out because it doesn’t come naturally to me. Being creative and whimsical and fun, *that* comes naturally to me. Crunching numbers and spreadsheets and fixing redirects on my website; does not. So, like we try so hard to teach our children; I tried my best and then stepped away to breathe and see what I could do to take my mind off of all that “left-brained nonsense.”

I spotted the fairy door I’d asked husband to hang and remembered that it still needed some finishing touches. While the fairy door was hung and doing what I wanted it to: hide the recessed hole of outlets – I felt like it needed more ✨. So I started rooting around in the craft cupboard for some fabric or paper to hang on the “walls” behind the door. As I was elbow deep in the cupboard, I came upon my bag of googly eyes. Immediately I flashed to all the different things in the house (of husband’s), I could googly eye. I needed time to piece together what the fairy house was going to look like anyway, so I headed off to googly eye. When I returned to the living room, my 13 year old and I had a good chuckle about what he’ll come home to, and will he find them all?

By this time, I had an idea of what I wanted to create behind the fairy door though, and so started to work on that little project. I paper-ed two of the walls, and then hung a little piece of art on the last wall. Luckily I was able to find another little chair to finish off the sitting space so it’s perfectly cozy inside. 🥰

And here I sit, reflecting on the fact that taking a break worked. I’ve forgotten how tightly I’d been clenching my teeth this morning, I’ve forgotten how stressed I felt, and I’ve forgotten that icky feeling that comes with being stressed out! So now I’ll go back to that “left-brained nonsense” with a completely recharged spirit. I’m not sure if I enjoyed decorating the fairy door more or googly eye-ing my husband’s things… I do know I can’t wait for him to get home 👀.

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