Hand-crafted with ❤️ in Iowa since 2013.

Green Mama’s Story

Green Mama's Story

I am Green Mama. I am a Birkenstock-wearing, single mom of 2 little girls. [*Freshly re-married mom of 5 now!*]It is because of my girls that Green Mama Soaps even exists.

10+ years ago, I would have never considered using “green” as an adjective to describe me. I was dropping some serious discretionary money on potions and gels and all sorts of chemically-laden, but delicious smelling products. I never read labels. I always went by how something looked, smelled, and how eye catching the label was.

Fast forward to being pregnant with my first child. That is when it all started; my transition to the green-side. A friend puts it very eloquently, when she refers to the various shades of green…I started small and very light-green when I chose to use a plant-derived laundry detergent and decided to go with the Burts Bees aisle rather than the larger, more popular brands. The more I read and researched, the darker green I became with cloth diapers and homemade baby food...

Now, I have 2 children and am much more aware of what we put in and on our bodies. I was horrified when I learned what some of the ingredients in my regularly used former bath products were. It didn’t take long, before I realized I should just teach myself how to make soap. That would be the only way I could be 100% confident about what I was using, not only on myself, but on my little girls’ skin. The honey oatmeal soap recipe was a direct result of my youngest's battle with eczema. The more I played with a soap recipe, the more I realized that raw honey and natural oats *really* made a difference. My youngest no longer had any signs of eczema!

I took my research and playing to the next level by establishing "soap trials". I found random people who agreed to receive weekly samples of free soap in exchange for honest feedback. My soap trials went on for months while I continually tweaked my recipes based off the survey feedback I received. The science behind creating a bar of soap is actually quite fascinating. It's not just about melting a bunch of oils together, it's about finding that balance of: cleansing, lathering, creamy, bubbly, hardness, and so many other qualities.

Please take a look around the site, especially the FAQ, and contact me if you have any questions about my soap or soap-making process.

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